Copyright © 2012 Bradshaw Geoscience Consultants Pty Ltd
August 2013
Visit us at WABS 2013 - Booth 39 (NW Shelf Prospectivity Studies) - for more information on our North West Shelf Regional Framework Projects.
May 2013
Exhibited at APPEA 2013 (North West Shelf Regional Prospectivity Studies).
July 2011:
SPE News, Issue 146 (pages 8 - 11)
Article on "Geological 'Storage Ready' And Comparison Of Risk Assessment" which appeared in the July 2011 issue of SPE News.
March 2011:
Energy Generation, January - March 2011 (pages 54 and 56)
Carbon Capture and Storage: Articles "CO2 Geological Storage Capacities" by Anna-Liisa Lahtinen and "Queensland's CO2 Geological Storage Prospectivity" by Barry Bradshaw.
November 2010:
Energy Generation, October - December 2010 (pages 18, 20 and 26)
A feature on Carbon Capture and Storage: Articles "Geological Storage of CO2" and "Geological 'Storage Ready'" written by John Bradshaw, as well as an article "GHGT10 - What were the key messages for carbon dioxide capture and storage" written by the CGSS team.
September 2010:
GHGT10 Conference, 9-23 September 2010, Amsterdam
At the GHGT10 Conference, Dr John Bradshaw gave the plenary presentation on geological storage (Plenary Session 3). His presentation was on 'Underground Storage of CO2: Capacities, Risks and Uncertainties'. John was also a co-author (with Bill Senior, Ananth Chikkatur and Mervyn Wright) of the paper 'Planning saline reservoir storage developments - the importance of getting started early'. ( Paper / Poster )
Anna-Liisa Lahtinen presented a talk titled ‘Regional Storage Capacity Estimates: Prospectivity not Statistics’ in the Capacity Estimation session on the first day of the GHGT10 conference. This presentation documented the CGSS Storage Capacity Estimation methodology, highlighting the importance of incorporating basin specific data into storage capacity calculations, rather than using generic statistics. The talk described the four processes involved: regional prospectivity assessments, CO2 density curve generation, Migration Assisted Storage (MAS) efficiency factor discount and finally the documentation of the data quality and quantity used in the assessment. If applied correctly, the CGSS Storage Capacity Estimation Methodology produces conservative results that are transparent and repeatable that can be understood and relied on by non-specialists.
Dr Barry Bradshaw presented a poster paper in Poster Session 2 on the results of the Queensland CO2 Geological Storage Atlas. ( Paper / Poster )
CGSS associate, Lynton Spencer, was the lead author of the above mentioned paper 'Regional Storage Capacity Estimates: Prospectivity not Statistics' and also co-authored the paper 'Carbon dioxide storage leads of the eastern Gippsland Basin, Australia - terminology, seal and structure considerations in trap integrity assessments' (with J. Sayers, R.F. Daniel and R.R. Hillis).
March 2010:
Dr John Bradshaw, an invited speaker, presented a talk at the Second EAGE (European Association of Geoscientists & Engineers) CO2 Geological Storage Workshop in Berlin on "Regional Scale Assessment - Results & Methodology Queensland CO2 Storage Atlas".
January 2010:
Staff from CGSS were invited to present at the China Australia Geological Storage (CAGS) workshop held between the 19th and 21st of January 2010. CAGS is a bilateral project that focuses on increasing China and Australia’s capacity and capability in the area of geological storage of CO2. The aim of this workshop was to facilitate the building of networks of researchers, government and industry within China and between China, Australia and international agencies to advance development and understanding of geological storage of CO2, and to promote exploration and discussion of technical issues with respect to geological storage including site selection, prospectivity and capacity assessment, and promote activities which will aid in making China and Australia “storage ready. Dr John Bradshaw and Dr Barry Bradshaw presented on the topics of “Defining Storage Ready”, “Geological storage: challenges and opportunities”, “Regional scale assessment - methodology developed for the Queensland Atlas” and “Queensland Storage Atlas - Results”. Dr John Bradshaw also chaired a panel on “How do we make China and Australia Storage Ready?”
October 2009:
Dr John Bradshaw, as an invited speaker presented a talk at the AMPLA (Australian Resources and Energy Law Association) Annual Conference in Sydney on “Some Technical Practicalities and Legal Implications of Geological Storage of CO2: a Geologists Perspective”.
Queensland Carbon Dioxide Storage Atlas Workshop
In association with the Queensland Government (QDEEDI) and the Australian Coal Association (Coal 21 Fund), CGSS staff presented a workshop on the Qld Carbon Dioxide Storage Atlas. Some of the topics included an overview of the atlas, the methodology used, a summary of the results and conclusions and a drive through interactive GIS session. Copies of the Atlas are available to purchase from the Qld Department of Mines and Energy Information Centre (Tel: +61 (0)7 3237 1434,
September 2009:
Dr John Bradshaw, as an invited speaker presented a talk at the South African Carbon Capture and Storage conference in Johannesburg on “Scaling up CO2 storage and the related challenges”.
April 2009:
PESA News, Issue No. 99
Global First for CO2 Storage. Article regarding Australia's first commercial release of offshore areas designated specifically for the assessment of their CO2 storage potential.
December 2008:
PESA News, Issue No. 97
A feature on Carbon capture and storage, including an interview with CGSS CEO Dr John Bradshaw.